Full headers let you see the complete path that a message took to get to you. The full headers can be used to see why a message was delayed (or at least where it was delayed), and can provide details to solve many other problems.
Default Sending Instructions
In most email clients (with the exception of UNIX clients), sending the full headers of a message requires displaying the full headers of the message, copying them using your system's Copy command (Typically Ctrl-C or Command-C), or using your system's Select All Command (Ctrl-A or Command-A), then Copy.
You can then use your system's Paste command (Ctrl-V or Command-V) to insert the headers or complete message into your new message to Pobox. Instructions for displaying the full headers of messages, and, where appropriate, alternate methods for sending the headers, can be found below.
Log in to your Gmail account and open the email that you need to send the headers for.
Click on the down arrow that is next to the Reply button at the top of the message.
Select the Show original option.
View the headers by clicking on Options->Preferences. Under Headers, click on Advanced Headers.
Copy this information using your system's Copy command (Typically Ctrl-C or Command-C), or using your system's Select All Command (Ctrl-A or Command-A), then Copy. Then use your system's Paste command (Ctrl-V or Command-V) to insert the headers or complete message into your new message (or reply) to Pobox Customer Support.
Get to a message's headers by clicking on Options. The, under Message Actions, set Forwarding to "forward as attachment". You can sending these headers by forwarding the message to the appropriate Pobox Customer Support address.
Outlook Express 5 or 6
Save the headers in a file by selecting the message, and going to menu "File". Select "Save As...". In the "Save Message" dialog box, give the file a name, and set "Format" to "Mail (.eml)" (for Windows) or "Outlook Express E-mail Message" (for Macs).
You can send this file to Pobox Customer Support by creating a new message to pobox@pobox.com. Click the "Add Attachments" button, and select the file you just created. Then click the "Send" button.
Outlook 98 and Outlook 2000
You will need to set up your client to send a full version of the previous message in a forwarded message chain. Do this by going to the Tools menu, and click "Options". Click the Preferences tab, and then click E-mail Options. In the "When forwarding a message" field, select "Attach original message".
Send these headers to Pobox Customer Support by going to your your mailbox window, and selecting the messages you want to forward. Click the "Forward" button. Put "pobox@pobox.com" in the To: field. Click the "Send" button.
Outlook 2003
View these headers by right clicking on the message from your mailbox and selecting Options. Then click in the Internet Headers box.
Copy this information using your system's Copy command (Typically Ctrl-C or Command-C), or using your system's Select All Command (Ctrl-A or Command-A), then Copy. Then use your system's Paste command (Ctrl-V or Command-V) to insert the headers or complete message into your new message (or reply) to Pobox Customer Support.
Outlook 2007
View these headers by opening the message from your mailbox in Outlook 2007. Once open, click on the small arrow to the right of Options. From there, right click within the Internet headers field and copy this information using your system's Copy command (Typically Ctrl-C or Command-C), or using your system's Select All Command (Ctrl-A or Command-A), then Copy. Then use your system's Paste command (Ctrl-V or Command-V) to insert the headers or complete message into your new message (or reply) to Pobox Customer Support.
Open the message. Go to View > Message Source. Copy this information using your system's Copy command (Typically Ctrl-C or Command-C), or using your system's Select All Command (Ctrl-A or Command-A), then Copy. Then use your system's Paste command (Ctrl-V or Command-V) to insert the headers or complete message into your new message (or reply) to Pobox Customer Support.
Mac Mail.app
Create a new message to send to pobox@pobox.com. Drag the message whose full headers you want to send into it. This will include the full message, including headers, in your message to Pobox Customer Support.
Microsoft Exchange
View these headers by opening the message, and clicking on File->Properties->Internet.
Copy this information using your system's Copy command (Typically Ctrl-C or Command-C), or using your system's Select All Command (Ctrl-A or Command-A), then Copy. Then use your system's Paste command (Ctrl-V or Command-V) to insert the headers or complete message into your new message (or reply) to Pobox Customer Support.
Eudora Pro
View these headers by opening the message, going to the tool bar just above the message, and clicking the button that reads "blah blah blah".
Copy this information using your system's Copy command (Typically Ctrl-C or Command-C), or using your system's Select All Command (Ctrl-A or Command-A), then Copy. Then use your system's Paste command (Ctrl-V or Command-V) to insert the headers or complete message into your new message (or reply) to Pobox Customer Support.
You will need to save this email in a file to send its full headers to Pobox Customer Support. You can do this by opening the message, and selecting File->Save As..., giving the message a name (like spamemail.html), and press ing"Save".
Send this file to customer support by first creating a new message. After you have addressed the message, click on "Attachments". When the Attachments window opens, click on "Attach". Find the file you just saved in the last step, and highlight the file name. Click "Open", then "OK". Then click "Send now".
Setting Up: If Mutt does not already forward messages as message/rfc822 attachments, add the following line to your .muttrc:
set mime_forward
Sending Headers: hit "f". Forward the message to the appropriate Pobox Spam address.
Pegasus E-mail
Viewing these headers by selecting the message, and pressing Ctrl-H.
Send the headers to Pobox Customer Support by hitting "f" (for forward.) and addressing the email to pobox@pobox.com. The full headers will be forwarded along with the message body.
Netscape Messenger
You will need to send an email as an attachment to send it with it full headers. To do this, go to the Edit pull-down menu and select the Preferences option. A pop-up window will appear. Under the "Mail & Newsgroups" category in the select list, click on the "Messages" sub-category. Select "Forward as Attachment".
Send this attachment to Pobox Customer Support by addressing this email to pobox@pobox.com.
If you click on the arrow, you will reveal the full headers. You can then copy and paste those headers into another location.