Android 5.0 or Later

Open the Gmail app on your Android device.

     1.) If you don't already have an account set up, the Account setup dialog appears.

2.) Otherwise, open the app's menu, scroll down and tap Settings

3.) On the next screen tap Add Account

4.) Then tap Other

 5.) Enter your Pobox email address and tap Next

6.) Tap on Personal (IMAP)

7.) Then enter your Pobox password ( account password) or your app-specific password if you're using two-step verification on your Pobox account and tap Next.

 8.)  On the next screen you will need to input the incoming server.

          Username: Your forwarding address

          Password: You forwarding address password or App-specific password (if you have two-step verification enabled)

          Server: Incoming server of your forwarding address (can be found by searching incoming server settings for your forwarding address)

     Tap Next after the information is correct

9.) On the next screen you will need to input the outgoing server.

          Username: (your Pobox address)

          Password: Your Pobox account password or App-specific password (if you have two-step verification enabled)

          SMTP Server:

     Tap Next after you confirm the information is correct

10.) You then have the option to set how frequently your account will fetch for mail and other various account options.

11.)  After this you will then have the option to change your Account Name  and the Display Name that will be seen on the sent messages.  Set this to your preference and tap Next.

12.) Your account is now setup, you can begin to send/receive your messages through the Gmail app on your Android phone.

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